Saturday, September 8, 2018

Its The Narrow Way That Leads To Life

These words were coined by the greatest man who ever lived on earth. The Man Jesus Christ. In our present lives it means a life of freedom with responsibility. According to this principle, you cant just think anything, talk anything and do anything just because you have the freedom. You are free to think, talk or do anything, as long as you have done a thorough assessment of the results of your choices.
As long as you will get good eternal value for your choices, then its called freedom with responsibility. Unfortunately, we live in a world of "now". We want now benefits, now money, now fame, now marriage, now sex, now, now , now everything. We are doing everything we can to avoid freedom with responsibility. As long as i get what i want then the rest is inconsequential, is the mentality driving us. As long as  i get the money i want, i don't care how i will get it. Even if it means me selling my integrity, purity,and good manners, so be it. In exact reflection of the word(s) of Jesus, many people are for the freedom without responsibility school of thought. Only a handful are pursuing the opposite. Freedom with responsibility. Lets talk about you and me. When was the last time you thought, talked and acted in a certain way, because after all everyone is doing it. When you i and you look back what were the payoffs? Are you proud of the choices you made? Personally i am not.  I made some financial choices which brought me suffering to date. I am paying loans which i took without proper research and analysis. Today i am the last person to take a loan because i know what loans can do to a person if they are not taken with proper analysis of the payoff.

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