Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Citizen TV Anchor Anne Kiguta Bashed on Twitter After Interviewing Economist David Ndii

Citizen TV journalist Anne Kiguta was the laughing stock on Twitter during her interview with Economist, David Ndii on Monday night after she appeared green regarding the National Super Alliance (NASA) manifesto.
Kiguta, who often interviews senior politicians and political analysts on her segment, Opinion Court, was at some point visibly angered after Ndii asked her whether she had read the Constitution.
Some Twitter users felt that Ndii was complicating fairly straightforward questions and was trying to make Kiguta appear unknowledgeable. 
The Economist, who doubles up as the Opposition's technical advisor, highlighted major issues in NASA's manifesto including historical injustices and how his camp intended to handle national debt.
During the show, Ndii occasionally bashed the news anchor for asking the same question twice.
He corrected Kiguta in almost every question she asked, making her look like she had gathered interview questions from a fake NASA manifesto.

Kenyans dismissed her interviewing skills, demanding that Citizen TV finds a better interviewer to handle experts in certain fields. 
 Here is the interview courtesy of Citizen TV:
Here are some of the reactions:
#MondaySpecialKE let's news anchors read news & let interviewers do the job. Today's interview was a waste of Ndii's time.Turned to lecture
— Kenya West© (@KinyanBoy) July 3, 2017
If Hussein Mohammed isn't available to conduct interviews let @citizentvkenyajust run soaps #MondaySpecialKE
— Edwin Sifuna (@edwinsifuna) July 3, 2017
David Ndii has effectively unmasked Kiguta. Next time she should take a refresher course in Economics and Political Science #MondaySpecialKE
— Ike Kenneth (@IkeOjuok) July 3, 2017 
#MondaySpecialKE @AnneKiguta kindly reduce the attitude. The attitude is clear on air unleashed to @DavidNdii
— Lazarus O Owuor (@lazarusowuor) July 3, 2017
David Ndii teaching this Anne Kiguta some interviewing skills. Listen understand before asking the same question  #MondaySpecialKE
— Ike Kenneth (@IkeOjuok) July 3, 2017
#MondaySpecialKE TV stations need to get experts to interview experts not media personalities with a degree in mass com.
— Joram Kioko (@joramkioko) July 3, 2017
#MondaySpecialKE You people stop crucifying Anne Kiguta its enough,you should also understand that jubilee gave her a wrong NASA Manifesto
— Sonny Chege (@SonNyatuga) July 3, 2017
David Ndii has destroyed Socialite Bimbo Anne Kiguta with facts and figures beyond her understanding. #MondaySpecialKE
— Basil shuisk!!(@BasilShuiski) July 3, 2017

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