Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Janet Mbugua

In October 2015 former Citizen TV anchor Janet Mbugua was attacked on social media during her pregnancy by personalities who did not think she was supposed to be on air with her baby bump.
One such comment read: "(I wonder in what capacity) that Janet should go off air, and “not assume that viewers are enjoying her shape".
Thankfully Janet hit back at the bullies when she wrote, "People like you are a shame to society. I’m proud of my pregnancy as are many other women. Your ignorance is wanting"

Its a daunting task to be a house build on a hill, because it cannot be hidden according to the word(s) of Jesus. That is the situation with being  a celeb, especially a media one. Your life becomes so public and you sort of give everyone the right of opinion. Their opinion could be good or bad about you. However, at the end of the day your life is yours and it would always be a sum total of choices and decisions you make. You do not owe anyone an explanation about your life to the extent you lose your individuality, for the sake of protecting your public image. 

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